We have been busy playing baseball/softball this week! Finally No rain! All the kids are doing a great job!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Schools Out for SUMMER!!
Today was the kids last day of school!! I am soooo happy to have them home and to myself for the next 2+mths!! We celebrated with some of our friends with Ice Cream Sundaes and a Water Balloon fight!! Good Times! (pictures coming)
We have been busy playing baseball/softball this week! Finally No rain! All the kids are doing a great job!
So much to say but yet soooo tired! So I will leave you with this picture of sweet baby Maccoy!! Oh what a funny little guy!!
We have been busy playing baseball/softball this week! Finally No rain! All the kids are doing a great job!
Friday, May 21, 2010
After 3 more days of school and a FUN FIlled Summer Vacation I am going to have a 4th Grader,
3rd Grader, 1st Grader and a Preschooler and a few more at home... How did this happen?? Every year I ask myself this? I wish time would slow down... They are all getting so big so fast. I feel like I blink and they grow another year older. 3 kids gone all day long (TEARS) and one 1/2 day? Yep its official I need another baby.. What do you think Clint??
3rd Grader, 1st Grader and a Preschooler and a few more at home... How did this happen?? Every year I ask myself this? I wish time would slow down... They are all getting so big so fast. I feel like I blink and they grow another year older. 3 kids gone all day long (TEARS) and one 1/2 day? Yep its official I need another baby.. What do you think Clint??
Not sure how I feel about it but Cayne and Maccoy have slept through the night Tues., Wed. and Thurs.! I know I should be Ecstatic, but well my babies are getting sooooo big its sad! And let me tell you to go from being up every few hours(for over a year) to getting 8 solid hours of sleep sure screws with your body, I feel so tired but yet I am so rested.. Why is that???
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I am Not
GOING To LOOSE my mind, I am not going to loose my mind.... unless this rain doesn't go AWAY!! My kids need to go out and play! I am sick of listening to the fighting and the TV... and the word
"MOMMY" I never thought I would get sick of hearing that wonderful word, but yes my friends I am sick of it! Its like hearing fingernails down a chalkboard..And if I clean up playdoh one more time today I am not just talking about off the floor but out of the babies MOUTH (YUCK) I am going to scream!!! So while this rain is doing wonders for the grass,trees and my flowers it is not doing well for my children who I desperately need to wear them out playing OUTSIDE on their bikes,trampoline, swing set etc.. So RAIN BE GONE!!!!! Before I loose my MIND!!!!!
"MOMMY" I never thought I would get sick of hearing that wonderful word, but yes my friends I am sick of it! Its like hearing fingernails down a chalkboard..And if I clean up playdoh one more time today I am not just talking about off the floor but out of the babies MOUTH (YUCK) I am going to scream!!! So while this rain is doing wonders for the grass,trees and my flowers it is not doing well for my children who I desperately need to wear them out playing OUTSIDE on their bikes,trampoline, swing set etc.. So RAIN BE GONE!!!!! Before I loose my MIND!!!!!
Good News!
Maccoy had his 1 month follow up with Dr.Kaine his Cardiologist yesterday, he also had a echo and ekg. Dr.Kaine was very pleased with his test results and the surgery itself. He has a small leak above the VSD patch about 1mm (tiny) which he believes will heal over in time! He also has some Backflow(pulmonary insufficiency) but that is normal in TOF kids who have been repaired. He doesn't have a "normal" heart it is repaired so it will have little "problems", but for a repaired heart it sure looks GOOD!! Dr.Kaine is optimistic that by the time Maccoy needs a valve replacement it will be able to be done through a Cardiac Cath! So he believes there will not be another Open Heart Surgery in his future! I find myself even a month after surgery still sighing with relief that it is over and that it went so well! I can't believe it! We will continue to see Dr.Kaine every 3 to 4 months for a while but eventually Maccoy will be released to annual visits! At these visits they will do a echo and ekg checking for the size of the right ventricle. When the size starts to increase and he begins to have symptoms like getting tired from activity that didn't tire him before, then we will start thinking about the valve replacement. Dr. Kaine believes this won't be until teenage to adult years!!! We are so lucky/blessed to have our beautiful boy here with us. I can't think of the words to express how truly greatful we are for Dr.OBrein and his staff at Childrens Mercy and for our wonderful Cardiologist Dr.Kaine and nurse practitioner Pam Finn for walking us through this process...
Monday, May 17, 2010
We Did it!!
We finally moved Maccoy and Cayne to their bedroom last night!! I can brush my teeth in my own bathroom without fear of waking a sleeping baby!! This is how it went..... Put babies to bed at 9p.m. since Clint procrastinated (imagine that) in moving the beds until 8p.m. they freak out a little but within minutes are quiet and drifting to sleep!! Mom and Dad enjoy watching TV in their bed and also drift off to sleep around 11!! 12:15a.m. the Screaming Begins ....... sigh 1a.m. the screaming is still going and mommy cannot take it anymore so half asleep she stumbles upstairs to get screaming baby only to find screaming baby 1 has woke up 2nd baby, 2nd baby sitting in crib sucking thumb wondering where the heck am I?? So mommy picks both babies up and heads for her bed... Daddy shakes his head but grabs one baby and tries to snuggle him while mommy nurses other baby back to sleep (it works ) so mommy nurses baby #2 hoping he will go back to sleep also but baby #2 is confused/wondering where am I? wants no part of going back to sleep and begins to baby babble and try to crawl off the bed, mommy tired and frustrated picks babbling baby and sleeping baby up to return them to their beds upstairs.... sigh Lays them both down and to her surprise they roll over and go back to sleep!!! YES!! mommy returns to bed at 2a.m. and is about to doze off when Maxton decides to pay her a visit, mommy is soooooo tired that she lets him get in bed with her BIG MISTAKE..... sighhh he proceeds to toss turn kick talk etc for a long time before drifting off to sleep.. Oh what a night it was! This is going to take some figuring out? Never had to put 2 babies in one room before? The one is bound to wake the other up... sighhhh After our Cardiologist appt. on Wed when we get the all okay from Dr.Kaine to let Maccoy scream it out and make sure his weight gain is good (then he wouldn't need the middle of the night feeding) then we may have to do some TOUGH LOVE :( not looking forward to that but would really like to get some sleep soon!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
My BIG Boy!!
Maccoy just pulled up to a stand!! I was sitting on the couch and a baby pulled up right next to me and I thought it was Cayne and was pleasantly surprised to find it was MACCOY!!! Way to go Big Boy!! It won't be long until I have a couple of walkers!!! Look Out!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Growing Up
Just playing a little Tic Tac Toss with Maxton and he says to me "mommy you cheated me", not quite yet"... where does he come up with this stuff he is only 2! His new thing is to high five its so cute!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It has gotten REALLY busy at the M house the past few weeks! Mallory,Mason and Carter are all playing ball so that is 4 practices a week and this week was to be the start of games but so far the games have been rained out and rescheduled! This week alone we had 5 games! And some of them overlap and some are at the same time in different towns! It is a look into our future! It will be divide and conquer only I fear I will get stuck with all the kids while trying to watch the child play ball that should be fun! I have attempted to hire a preteen to go along with me to some games to push the babies around and help look after Maxton so that should help! I might actually get to see some of the game!
Lots of stuff going on at school as the year comes to and end! I have to say this year I have kinda been a bad mom or at least in my eyes. I haven't been involved with anything at school everything has revolved around the twins and Maccoy's health. It was nice to take a year off, but I plan on going back to volunteering and being very active in the schools next year unless this homeschool thing works out!!(J/K i think)
The twins turned 10mths old last week and are balls of energy! Cayne is pulling up to everything even letting go and holding on with just one hand! He crawls soooo fast and has taken to making trips all over the house, he follows me from room to room crawls under our bed to find zoey, he is such a happy little baby and he loves to cuddle! Both babies have found their love to scream and I have even saw them dancing a little bit when the music is on ( we have the radio on all the time). Cayne has also found that he can go up the stairs and if I am not watching him he has been known to make it half way up before someone catches him! (not good we need to put up a gate a.s.a.p) Maccoy continues to get better everyday! He still army crawls and is slow takes lots of breaks but just a few days ago figured out how to get up on his hands/knees and go somewhere! Maccoy really only likes to be held if your going to carry him around the house he is definitely not the cuddly baby that Cayne is . As I am typing this Cayne just came up and dumped everything off the end table what a stinker!! They both still only say MaMa and DaDa. They both give lovely/sweet open mouth kisses, and put out there arms to be picked up/held. At last weight check they were Cayne 20lbs14oz and Maccoy was 19lbs5oz this was a few weeks ago when they were sick. A few weeks ago we bought a baby video monitor and I can't believe I haven't gotten one sooner! They are so AWESOME! I love to watch the babies play through the crib bars with each other when I lay them down for nap it is so cute! They are still sleeping in our room even though there bedroom is empty and waiting for them to be moved to it? They are still getting up to nurse during the night and then sleeping the rest of the night cuddled up next to mom oh what a bad bad bad bad thing I have done! I just want to soak up every last little bit of baby I can so I continue to let them get up and nurse not for them but for me. Silly huh? It is so sad to think I will never have another baby :( I told Clint the other day what will I be without a stroller to push and a diaper bag over my shoulder? His answer you will be "free" and it will feel good I promise! I am not so sure! I have been pregnant,breastfeeding or had a toddler for the last 10 years I can't imagine not being/having one of the above.
Maxton continues to get bigger and bigger daily. He will be 3 on June 13th Holly Crap! How did that happen? For his birthday he would like a "bownarrow". He is the sweetest child but oh so naughty! He keeps telling me when I get bigger I can go to school or to recess etc.. I keep telling him No don't get bigger and his response is WHY? his new favorite word. Oh the "Why" phase how I hate it!!
Nothing new on the vacation planing I am just not sure what to do about that! Clints brother found a decent deal for Disney World but after some thought we decided it wasn't the time for us to go.(even though we can afford a Big Vacation I am not sure how we will afford to get everyone their sports gear/shoes when they get older ;) The babies stuck in their strollers for hours (at a time when they just want to crawl/walk go go go) and keeping track of Maxton (who likes to wonder/hide in stores) just didn't sound like a fun family vacation!! And the more I think about it I am not sure how hotel rooms would work out with the babies who want to go to bed but the rest of us that want to stay up? So we are still thinking about our options! We will do something just not sure how "BIG" it will be. But as long as we are all together it will be FUN!
Maccoy goes back to the Cardiologist next Wed. He will have a echo done and we will see Dr.Kaine so were are definitely looking forward to hearing what he has to say. Other that that we are just awaiting the last day of school! And Clint and I are getting excited to get a date night to go to a Wedding of close friends on May 29th thanks to my mother in law who is coming to watch the kiddos man what would I do without her she is the BEST!!! It's funny how something as small as a night out with my husband alone is so exciting! I am with my kids 24/7 and yes that is my choice to stay home and raise them but sometimes mama needs a break ;)
My mothers day was just another day (except for the amazing/make me cry card that Mason made me) at the last minute Clint decided we should go out for supper. We ended up going to Texas Roadhouse (a steak place) we sat down and the kids enjoyed throwing their peanut shells on the floor and acted so GOOD had the best manners made Mom and Dad very proud the twins just sat there and looked cute as usual of course we got lots of stares, comments and a few questions, our waiter was amazing very nice young guy and as we got done eating I told Clint he better hurry with the check it is time for bed for the babies and they aren't going to make it much longer, along the waiter came along with a manager and he said " You have been chosen as our Mother of the Day your meals are on us" Clint and I were in shock! He said "your kids are so well behaved and quiet and have great manners and several of the other waiters commented on that and the manager even walked by our table and noticed so they just new they had to give the award to ME!! I was so happy and proud! To bad they don't act like that all the time!! It was a great ending to the day! Me MOTHER OF THE DAY!!(hahaha)
Lots of stuff going on at school as the year comes to and end! I have to say this year I have kinda been a bad mom or at least in my eyes. I haven't been involved with anything at school everything has revolved around the twins and Maccoy's health. It was nice to take a year off, but I plan on going back to volunteering and being very active in the schools next year unless this homeschool thing works out!!(J/K i think)
The twins turned 10mths old last week and are balls of energy! Cayne is pulling up to everything even letting go and holding on with just one hand! He crawls soooo fast and has taken to making trips all over the house, he follows me from room to room crawls under our bed to find zoey, he is such a happy little baby and he loves to cuddle! Both babies have found their love to scream and I have even saw them dancing a little bit when the music is on ( we have the radio on all the time). Cayne has also found that he can go up the stairs and if I am not watching him he has been known to make it half way up before someone catches him! (not good we need to put up a gate a.s.a.p) Maccoy continues to get better everyday! He still army crawls and is slow takes lots of breaks but just a few days ago figured out how to get up on his hands/knees and go somewhere! Maccoy really only likes to be held if your going to carry him around the house he is definitely not the cuddly baby that Cayne is . As I am typing this Cayne just came up and dumped everything off the end table what a stinker!! They both still only say MaMa and DaDa. They both give lovely/sweet open mouth kisses, and put out there arms to be picked up/held. At last weight check they were Cayne 20lbs14oz and Maccoy was 19lbs5oz this was a few weeks ago when they were sick. A few weeks ago we bought a baby video monitor and I can't believe I haven't gotten one sooner! They are so AWESOME! I love to watch the babies play through the crib bars with each other when I lay them down for nap it is so cute! They are still sleeping in our room even though there bedroom is empty and waiting for them to be moved to it? They are still getting up to nurse during the night and then sleeping the rest of the night cuddled up next to mom oh what a bad bad bad bad thing I have done! I just want to soak up every last little bit of baby I can so I continue to let them get up and nurse not for them but for me. Silly huh? It is so sad to think I will never have another baby :( I told Clint the other day what will I be without a stroller to push and a diaper bag over my shoulder? His answer you will be "free" and it will feel good I promise! I am not so sure! I have been pregnant,breastfeeding or had a toddler for the last 10 years I can't imagine not being/having one of the above.
Maxton continues to get bigger and bigger daily. He will be 3 on June 13th Holly Crap! How did that happen? For his birthday he would like a "bownarrow". He is the sweetest child but oh so naughty! He keeps telling me when I get bigger I can go to school or to recess etc.. I keep telling him No don't get bigger and his response is WHY? his new favorite word. Oh the "Why" phase how I hate it!!
Nothing new on the vacation planing I am just not sure what to do about that! Clints brother found a decent deal for Disney World but after some thought we decided it wasn't the time for us to go.(even though we can afford a Big Vacation I am not sure how we will afford to get everyone their sports gear/shoes when they get older ;) The babies stuck in their strollers for hours (at a time when they just want to crawl/walk go go go) and keeping track of Maxton (who likes to wonder/hide in stores) just didn't sound like a fun family vacation!! And the more I think about it I am not sure how hotel rooms would work out with the babies who want to go to bed but the rest of us that want to stay up? So we are still thinking about our options! We will do something just not sure how "BIG" it will be. But as long as we are all together it will be FUN!
Maccoy goes back to the Cardiologist next Wed. He will have a echo done and we will see Dr.Kaine so were are definitely looking forward to hearing what he has to say. Other that that we are just awaiting the last day of school! And Clint and I are getting excited to get a date night to go to a Wedding of close friends on May 29th thanks to my mother in law who is coming to watch the kiddos man what would I do without her she is the BEST!!! It's funny how something as small as a night out with my husband alone is so exciting! I am with my kids 24/7 and yes that is my choice to stay home and raise them but sometimes mama needs a break ;)
My mothers day was just another day (except for the amazing/make me cry card that Mason made me) at the last minute Clint decided we should go out for supper. We ended up going to Texas Roadhouse (a steak place) we sat down and the kids enjoyed throwing their peanut shells on the floor and acted so GOOD had the best manners made Mom and Dad very proud the twins just sat there and looked cute as usual of course we got lots of stares, comments and a few questions, our waiter was amazing very nice young guy and as we got done eating I told Clint he better hurry with the check it is time for bed for the babies and they aren't going to make it much longer, along the waiter came along with a manager and he said " You have been chosen as our Mother of the Day your meals are on us" Clint and I were in shock! He said "your kids are so well behaved and quiet and have great manners and several of the other waiters commented on that and the manager even walked by our table and noticed so they just new they had to give the award to ME!! I was so happy and proud! To bad they don't act like that all the time!! It was a great ending to the day! Me MOTHER OF THE DAY!!(hahaha)
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