Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy First Birthday Cayne and Maccoy!

Happy Birthday to my sweet,adorable,precious baby boys! My what a year it has been! I have loved every minute of being a twin mommy and look forward to what will come! Many people look at you both and say "double trouble" but I look at you and only see "double fun"! your are the sweetest babies, Cayne your the cuddly one and Maccoy is the feisty one which is just how it should be! you aren't walking yet but that is just fine with me, Cayne can crawl up the stairs and Maccoy watches with frustration because he can't quit figure it out! You say MaMa and DaDa, wave bye bye, and Cayne you cover your eyes to play peek a boo it is so adorable! You love your blankies and must have them to go to sleep. You are each getting your 4 top teeth right now but are handling it like champs! You are both having troubles with ear infections and will be seeing the ENT this month. :( You are very easy babies, you just crawl around and play. You don't like it when mommy gets out of your sight and you have been enjoying summer break just like your brothers and sister because they play with you all the time! You love to swing and take bike rides. You have handled all the kids ballgames sitting in your stroller in the heat really well and have gotten a lot of attention from your brothers and sisters friends! It has been a joy to watch you grow over the last year and when people comment about how hard it is to have twins I respond by "if I could be guaranteed another set next I would do it again in a heartbeat"!!! I love you both more than you will ever know!!! Happy First Birthday Sweet Boys!!

1 comment:

mina said...

Happy Birthday to your precious twins!