Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wow..Its been Awhile

What can I say it's been crazy busy around here the last few months and I guess I just haven't made daily updates a priority. Which is a mistake.  April brought Mallory a Spring Season of Volleyball in which her team took 2nd in the tournament and the league. She had a Great season and has really improved her serving skills. April also brought the start of Mason's Tae Kwon Do career which he is loving and has now moved from white belt to yellow belt. He goes twice a week for an hour thank goodness it's right here in town! On a sad note April also brought the loss of Clint's Grandpa. It was very sad. He was a wonderful man and we all miss him very much!
        Then we moved  to May which went by at the spend of light and kept Mama VERY busy to say the least. I look back at the May calander and cannot believe I made it through with all my hair!! I think there was only 2 days where I didn't have something to do or some place to be. On the last day of school I hired a babysitter just to get through all the award ceremonies etc. best money I ever spent! Plus the little boys love to hang out with Connor! The last day of school we had a PARTY the kids had a blast kicking off Summer Vacation with their friends! Lots of water play and a yummy ice cream sundae! Doesn't get much better than that! 
         June has passed quickly. We visit the pool daily! I now have 4 kids who can swim great and go off and do their own thing and Max is working really hard on that he can swim across the pool and now go off diving board and swim to the side by himself. Maccoy is my little fish swimming under the water and he has NO fear so he will just jump in wherever! Crazy kid! Cayne on the other hand is a little more scared doesn't really like to stick his face in the water and can take or leave the pool.  When we aren't at the pool we are trying to stay cool in the a/c these 100 degree days are awful. By 5pm. mom is about to loose her mind since we have been stuck in the house all day due to the awful heat. We have also had dentist appts. in June which went great! Mallory has been doing a Strength/Agility Camp 3 times a week which means several trips into town to get her! But she loves it! She is also playing on a Summer League Volleyball team and doing some private lessons so she is keeping us busy! I love watching her play and learn new things! Best of all she LOVES volleyball!! win/win! We Celebrated Maxton's 5th bday on June 13th!! I can't believe my baby is 5! Wow where does time go! We went out to eat, had Cake and Ice Cream, He had a milkshake for breakfast and was treated like a king! Love that boy but man is he a hand full!   Carter did a full contact football camp in mid June! He loved it had so much fun and hopefully learned a lot. I spent most of my week going to watch him and taping things so that him and I can run some of the drills! Look out neighbors I bought a whistle!! I LOVE being a football mom!! At camp check in a man approached us with his son/ I was wearing my SH shirt and he asked if my son played last year on a team I said ya with the Bronco's (his son was really tall) I said how about yours and when he responded ya we played you I said "Carter is only going to be a 3rd grader so probably not us" and he said " ya Jayden is only going to be a third grader too" which the little boy responded "Hey weren't you the quarter back last year and "Carter said ya" Jayden said " I sacked you"!!! I said" buddy you and a lot of other people too"!!!!  And there began a friendship! Jayden and Carter were buds the rest of camp!  June also brought a mini vaca for Clint and I! We left the kids at Grandma's and headed home for 2.5 days of FUN kid free!! We hit a water park! We did World's of Fun and had a BLAST! Roller Coasters are not my deal but that day I decided to just do it we rode the Mamaba 8 times in a row!! By the last 4 times I was loving it! I figure I gotta get over the fear since all these kids will love this stuff I don't want to sit on the ground and watch I want to be next to them and enjoy it with them!! Unfortunately our day ended early when I stepped down into a hole and messed up my ankle/foot good grief did it hurt and actually is still causing me pain..ugggg. We also ate some great food and the best part laughed a lot and just had an amazing time! You really have to eat that time up if you don't get it very often! Thanks Judy,Alva,Mom,Dad, Jay and Em for letting us have some time together! The kids had a blast too they actually thought that was vacation! They also got lots of Cousin time with Drew and Tava which is a huge blessing!
Here we are into July! We of course Celebrated the Twins 3rd birthday on the 4th! I of course cried off and on through out the day I just can't believe they are so big! They are something! Everyday is something new they do or say. They paired with Maxton make life a bit rough since they are all 3 babied so much they are my little MONSTERS!  Mallory's camp will be over next week and so will volleyball with a end of the season tournament. We should have a few weeks of nothing! We may even throw in a vacation to somewhere! We are throwing some idea's around you just never know about us we are so last minute!! Then August will be here and Soccer practice for Cavin will begin, Football for Carter, Mason tae kwon do will continue, we haven't decided about Mallory's volleyball yet and of course the first day of school August 15th I believe.. Four kids gone all day in 3 different schools plus Maxton half/day.... Makes my stomach sick... Yep not going there today! Enjoying the rest of summer break!! Although I am buying school supplies already and making plans to pay the school fee's...... No stop! Pool! Vacation! Sleeping in..:) July just started we got some time!!

1 comment:

miranda said...

My twins are 7 weeks old and one has tetralogy of fallot with pulmonary atresia. He had a BT shunt at 6 days old. I am google for some online support we are also a large family with 9 children. This my blog