Saturday, February 20, 2010

Well I got the phone call yesterday from our NP Pam about how conferences went with all the Dr.'s yesterday on Maccoy. They decided that he doesn't need a Cardiac Cath. they believe the pictures they got from the echo (heart sonogram) are good enough. His surgery will take place some time in April. The surgery scheduler will be calling next week to set it up. Boy just the thought of that phone call is enough to have me running to the bathroom to loose my breakfast let alone actually going to Children's on that day knowing what is ahead for my precious baby. So much to think about right now and I want to blog all my feelings and thoughts but right now I am taking care of Cayne who has RSV and Carter who has the tummy flu which started last night at 9p.m.. So don't really have time to do that right now! More coming soon!

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