Monday, October 1, 2007


Well what a slap in the face this morning when I told Carter to go get dressed he went up with PJ's on and came back down with a different pair of PJ's on thinking that he couldn't find clean clothes upstairs(okay little behind on putting laundry away, it's clean isn't that all that matters?) I found a outfit and began to take his 2nd set of PJ's off and he asks me "why do I have to put this on you wear your PJ's all day".. Do you think maybe it is time for me to start actually dressing myself in something other than pajama pants and tshirts?? My kids actually think this is how normal people go out into the world everyday..... in their pajama's.. Slap!!! Maybe I will have to work on this, maybe!!!

1 comment:

Nicole McLaughlin said...

aha!! Thanks for the memo, i needed it too! I'm sure my husband would appreciate it!! (DressBarn!!!) Lets go together!! :)