Friday, February 15, 2008

change of plans

Maxton's surgery date got pushed back.. It was suppose to be 2/29/08 they called today and said how about May 7th.. Is that okay the women on the other end of the phone said? I said well do I have a choice? Actually yes you could use another doc in the practice okay then why even ask lets do that? I mean I met the doc for like 4 mins why do I feel more comfortable with that then with some doc I have never met? So we are going in on March 4th and a different doc is doing the surgery.. Anything to make Maxton well again.. His hearing test showed major hearing loss and that he has so much fluid behind his ear drums that they weren't even moving.. No wonder he isn't trying to say MaMa or DaDa.. anyway just a update. oh by the way the hearing will return after tube placement and the fluid drains..

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