Friday, February 15, 2008

Here we go

Well here we go.. I thought we may steer clear of the "flu" this year, but I must have been crazy? Right now I have two boys in bed with what appears to be the true flu aka influenza.. Carter has a temp around 104 c/o body ache and Mason is running around 101 and c/o belly ache? Carter did vomit at 2a.m. thursday morning and ran a temp for about 4 hours then was fine all day yesterday we even went to the park and played and everything then about 10am. today he started looking like crap and mason was already in bed not feeling good so here it is almost 3 and they are both sleeping infact Carter is on his second nap in 4 hours.. This can't be good.. I am just praying that Maxton doesn't get it... It is going to be along week for this family. The worest part of having a large family is how long it takes to get everyone well with a illness like this or any illness really.. It takes alot out of mom as well as the sicko's!! Wish us luck..

1 comment:

Nicole McLaughlin said...

ugh, i'm so sorry!!! Your right, getting everyone thru it one by one is the hardest part, and you have 2 more than me!! Call me if you need anything, something from the store...etc.. I'm here for you!! About Maxton's surgery, who is the dr?? Let me know if you need any help with that also!
