Friday, August 21, 2009

Good News!!

Yesterday I celebrated the BIG 30 Birthday!! It was a Good Day.. I have the Best Friends a Girl could ask for they all showed up with little treats, and funny cards! My friend across the street decided to decorate the yard up with some signs it was cute!! I got lots of cards from family,some phone calls and lots of Birthday wishes via Facebook!! But the best gift of all was from the cardiologist! We don't have to go back for Maccoy's next visit until Oct.22!!! That is 8 weeks!! They are calling him Pink Tet which means he is showing no signs of low oxygen levels, his O2 Sats are sitting between 94% and 100% which is great and he weighs 9lbs7oz which is above normal weight gain for a TET baby!! So with all these good things combined they said we could wait 8 weeks to see them!! When we go back they will do another Echo (sonogram of his heart) to see how things look. They are very confident that he will make it past 6months before he needs surgery :) Like I said before the bigger he is the better the surgery will go!! So that is the Good News!! My 30th Bday will always be a Good Memory for me!! 30 isn't so bad I can't figure out why my mom stayed 29 for at least 4 years, and yes Mom you did do that I remember!!! :)


The Royal Family said...


Anonymous said...

Very happy to read the great news.I'm sure that definitely made your birthday awesome!I love all the pictures you have put up it is wonderful to see them and keep up with you all.Love Ya!GJ

Anonymous said...

What an excellent Bday present. Glad you had a good day. Let's get together sometime soon- I could use some baby cuddle time! Val