Well we arrived at St.Francis this a.m. at 7 for a 9'oclock surgery which got bumped back to 10:05. It was a long boring yet funny morning. We have never been around the kids for that long after the "med cocktail". He was drunk to say the least, talking all funny he couldn't stand up, and seeing things that weren't there. He went in to surgery at 10:05 and around 10:55 they called us to talk with the doc. Everything went fine. They made us wait another 30mins before we could see him. Guess he swallowed alot of air while he was coming to and they had to call resp. therapy to give him a breathing treatment, but when they let me back he was still coughing and just mad at the world he wanted that IV out. They transfered us up the the 8th floor and we stayed there until discharge at 5pm. We had a few visitors Aunt Jamie and PaPa Don came to visit and brought Carter spiderman stuff which of course made his day!!!
We are home now and he is drinking and even ate a little pudding. I will keep you updated.
A big THANKS to Grandma Judy for staying with the kids and also to my friend Amy for getting Mallory to and from school and then staying with the kids and to Aunt Val for coming to the rescue and buying pizza for the little people!!
Here are some pics of the day before and after
1. Is a before anything pic
2. Is a "drunk" pic
3. Is a after pic
4. Is a after pic also