Sunday, February 8, 2009

Have I already told you I hate the....

There is one thing about motherhood/parenthood that I HATE and we have it at our house.. It is the nasty,disgusting,gross,horrible,heartbreaking STOMACH FLU!!! We came in contact with the nasty stuff last weekend and right after returning home Monday from my ultrasound finding out our big news Carter vomited at first I thought he just got car sick, but then two hours later he vomited again and then about every 15 mins for a few hours, then every hour until 4a.m. followed by diarrhea and a lifeless child for the next 12 hours, I think he finally ate some food Wed. night for supper.. Then next in line was Maxton who vomited in his bed. Wed night followed by diarrhea and sporadic vomiting still happening today?? Cavin got it Friday morning and was down until this a.m., I got it Friday night (It was awful) and then Clint got hit Sat. a.m. and was out until this a.m. Mallory and Mason have made it this far without any symptoms but I won't breathe a sigh of relief for them until late next week... After this whole thing I can't wait for it to be spring and have nice beautiful weather and NO illness!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that it comes sooner than later.. Now back to all the chores that come with having sick kids that need all my attention, a sick mom who can barely get out of bed, and lots and lots of blankets,towels and clothes to have puked washed out of them.. Clorox is getting alot of my business to day as my whole house is being disinfected...YUCK!!! Stomach flu be gone from my house!!!!

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