Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I am getting a taste of what life would have been like if Maxton was my last child and I couldn't be HAPPIER that I have the twins! Cavin went for a "test run" at preschool from 11:30 to 3:00 today and so while the babies sleep it was just Maxton and me and now he is down for a nap and I am lonely :( I thought I would love it,but I don't!! I seriously think I could be the crazy lady that has 20 kids because I love these little guys so much! The older kids don't need me as much nor do they want to cuddle as much and I hate that! I know as the kids get older their needs change but I have a feeling I am going to be so lonely during the day when they are all at school. Maybe that is crazy and I will be happy? who knows!! But right now in this very quiet house I miss my "Cavi" and I don't really want him to go to preschool! Yesterday as I was quizzing him on his colors and shapes for today's Test Run he looked at me and said "I am not going to tell you what they are cause I don't wanna go to school" and today when I drooped him off and he looked at me with those BIG Blue eyes grabbed my hand and said "can't you stay with me" as tears fell down his cheeks I almost cried right there and brought him back home, but I held it together and said No Cav you are going to have so much fun! I then turned and made it to the van before I burst into tears! Poor Guy!! Poor Mommy it took all I had to leave him there crying...Nobody ever told me How Much I would love My kids, so much sometimes it actually hurts!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look how far you've come!! 3 months ago, you would have probably givin anything to have them all nap at the same time! You can tell I have several little ones- that's the part that stood out to me!! I'm so glad our "little ones" will be a little more independent when the other ones get older and more involved in school activities and we can give them more attention of their accomplishments. They will never quit needing us or our advice and encouragement! Stay healthy!