Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I took Maccoy to his Cardiologist appt. this morning alone because... I bet you can't guess??? Yep MORE puke! Some time during the night Cavin woke up came to the end of his bed barfed all over the floor and went back to sleep..... sigh... So Clint stayed here with him,max and cayne(who still has diarrhea) and I took Maccoy alone which really sucked, I didn't realize how much I depend on Clint for emotional support for these appt.s until he wasn't with me. His vitals were weight 22lbs, his O2 97%, his blood pressure 114/47. Next was the EKG which he wasn't happy with but with the help of some bubbles we made it through! Next off to the echo lab(these usually take about 20mins or so) and I was sure after the EKG meltdown this was sure to be bad but little man surprised the heck out of me and did amazing some juice, some animal crackers and more bubbles and we got a great Echo!! We waited for Dr.Kaine to come in a give us the report and that he did! While Maccoy has a Moderate case of Pulmonary Insufficiency his body is handling it fine, his left and right ventricles are enlarged but normal due to the Pulmonary Insufficiency(his heart has to work harder which causes the muscles to enlarge) as he grows and the need for his pulmonary valve to be replaced comes we will see his right ventricle enlarge even more and that is when we will know its time for the the replacement. Dr.Kaine is almost certain we have years and by that time it will hopefully be able to be done through a cardiac cath rather than open heart surgery!! So we have been released to annual visits! I don't know weither to jump for joy or cry? Its scary to think of waiting a whole year to check on his heart but yet so wonderful that we made it here! My boy is a RockStar!!


mina said...

Sorry the yuckies are still making the rounds in your house, but hooray for a great cardiology report! Enjoy your year of freedom!

Anonymous said...

Soo! happy to see Mccoy had a good report. Been thinking of everyone alot, sorry you are having to deal with the flu again after just dealing with that in July. The only good thing that came out of that was I lost 10lbs.,but it found me again. Hope to see you all soon.GJ