Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weeks like this...

So Clint is leaving on a mangers "Retreat" today and I feel lost already... Days like this are kinda of depressing for me, it is not his help I miss it is the adult company.. You see when you spend 12 hours a day alone with little people just another adult in the room is nice. Someone who actually understands why you are so tired. Someone to listen to your day and you to theirs. Not to mention that I have to take Carter to gymnastics tonight and drag the other 4 kids with me which will be a treat in itself, but it is not my first rodeo I will be fine!! I miss knowing that someone will walk in the front door at 6:30 or so and take a little bit of the load off me if only for a hour or so... How do women do this for months while their husbands fight for our country, or women of traveling men?? Do you get used to it? Because I don't think I ever could. When Clint is gone I tend to give myself a break, I don't clean as much or cook as much it gives me an excuse to be lazy!! if that is possible with 5 kids. so if he was gone for months at a time we would live in filth, eat take out, go broke from eating take out, i would weigh 500lbs, and then when he came home he would just want to leave again!!!! Anyway that is my day. On the plus side it isn't raining here right now!!!

See ya soon Babe, Miss you, love ya, be careful!!!

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