Sunday, June 29, 2008


Yesterday around 1:30 Mallory began vomiting. So I called the on call doc from ENT and they asked a few questions and told me to take her to the ER. That was a little difficult being that Clint was still in the midst of moving from one building to the other trying to get their network back up so if I went I was going to need to take the boys which didn't sound like fun either. So I called my sis in law and she came and stayed with the boys and then clint was able to come home until we got home. We got there at 4p.m. and didn't even get back to a room until 6:45p.m. Then they had to stick her twice to get the IV in which she was very upset about but the IV made her feel so much better and they changed her pain med. By the time the fluid ran in she was actually making jokes and asking to eat. We got home around 10:30 and she was exhausted so she went straight to bed and seems okay this morning just in a little pain we have to wait for the pharmacy to open to go get the new pain med filled so she is just taking plain tylenol which doesn't quit cut the pain. Hopefully she will cont. to drink and maybe eat something for the first time since Wed.!!! Anyway that is where we are now.. Hopefully it is only going to get better!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear she is feeling better- I was thinking about her (and you) yesterday!! Val

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Mallory is doing better!! Hope you guys can all get back to normal soon :) Em