Belly Picture 28weeks3days.. Notice the bump on the right side that is Baby B's Head!
Started off my day by getting kids ready for school,breakfast in their tummies, clothes on, etc.. Then off to my 9a.m. lab appt. for the 3 hour glucose test. So you get there and do a fasting glucose then you drink this nasty glucola drink (imagine flat pop with lots more sugar)YUCK then get your blood taken every hour for 3 hours. It was nice that there was another lady there doing her 3 hour test so we chatted turns out she had gestational diabetes with her last pregnancy so she told me all about what it would be like if I have it this time and lets just say if they call me this week and say Yes you have gestational diabetes I am going to bed and staying there!! So No I don't know the results yet should know something by Thurs. By the time I left there at 12:30p.m. I was sick, I felt terrible so I got some lunch and sat for awhile then it was almost time for me to be back at the Dr.'s office for my NST/Sono. I have had many sonograms this time but this one was the best so far. I got to see my babies little chubby cheeks, Baby A was yawning, Baby B was peeing. They are already so adorable! They have switched positions and Baby A is now head down and Baby B is breech.. Little stinkers! There heartbeats today were Baby A 134 and Baby B 142. I was glad to get home! It was a long but good day! 29 weeks Tommorrow!!
Melissa you look fantastic! Not too much longer to go. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
Renee Meyn
Looking like one hot mama!! It won't be long now, I can't wait!! Your doing awesome! Love Em
I love being able to see these pictures, i never would have thought i could see things on the computer,i am almost becoming an addict,not really, but i do enjoy the pictures.
HEllo, I was doing searched on Gestational diabetes and I found your blog. I just took my 3hr on Mon and they called to tell me I failed yesterday... No good... I don't know much about it, but I hate needles!
Twins would be fun! Good luck!
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