Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I've spent my day...

Taking care of a fussy baby who doesn't know if he wants held or put down to play, who has a yucky cold, at least 4 teeth coming in and is spoiled anyway.. A toddler who we now know to have a virus of some sort, but that wasn't without a urgent trip to the "ER" to rule out meningitis and strep throat after two hours of crying,screaming, limbs flailing, a low grade temp and a "HORRIBLE" headache.. I am now really far behind on my days duties and exhausted mentally and physically and I still have LOTS of dishes to do, a kitchen to clean, a floor to vacuum popcorn off of, kids to bathe, stories to read, teeth to brush and kids to tuck into bed.. I need to say thanks to my wonderful group of friends Amy for rushing over when all you did was call to chat for organizing the "posse" for kids to be picked up from school and drooped off where they need to be, To Stacey and Jennifer for being the ones to pick up and drop off.. Thanks Ladies it is so nice to have GREAT friends I couldn't live without you all.. Hope we don't spread the germ since all of you were here this a.m. for coffee :(

Well it is time to finish this day if I am lucky I will hit my pillow by 11!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you get the super mom award today. I hope everything is better tomorrow. I hope your little one feels better.