Friday, January 14, 2011

Sometimes you are my favorite person in the entire world... Like at 3 a.m. when Cavin starts to choke and You spring into action jump out of bed grab him and get him to the toilet before he pukes. I didn't even see that coming and you were like a super hero saving the night!! Sometimes I forget to tell you how great you are at this Daddy business! I HATE puke and you always take the night shifts you never complain about it you just do it work the next day or not you do it, 1 kid or 5 puking you do it and do it well! Thank You!!

Love Ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds of back in July when we all got the flu, like a domino effect. I was truly in amazement how Clint took control of the situation back then. He sure didn't get that from his dad.GJ