Friday, January 14, 2011

I go to pick Carter up from school he gets in the van and says "are the kids still sick?" I reply the babies and Mallory are. He says "oh do they still have the butt flu or do they have the regular flu".. sorry I had to laugh thought it was cute!

Today has been crazy. From cleaning vomit out of the carpet to changing 13 dirty diapers just this a.m... to Mallory crying from a stomach ache that hurts so bad, its been crazy. I think the babies have rotovirus so I think this dirty diaper thing may go on for awhile :( After I had changed Cayne for the 5th time this morning he crawled up on a chair ready to eat a little something when I heard him fill his diaper again he then looked over at me and LAUGHED.. It was priceless..
We are surviving but I really hope the end is near!!

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